The blessing went really well. A lot better than I could ask for. There was no screaming or spitting up all over her dress, so there you go!
Here she is all dolled up in her blessing attire
Afterwards we had lunch at our house where Brynlee was the star of the show for sure. I think she got passed around the room like a little football atleast 50 times. Here are just a few of the new friends she made:
And of course some familar faces:
My poor Dad, by the time she made it over to him she was done playing the " pass the baby around" game...
Needless to say she was ready for a well needed nap. Now if only I could get her to sleep so soundly during the night...
On a separate topic, I was able to sneak away on Monday to see Eclipse. I was soooo excited, it was like I was a 13 year old girl seeing...well a Twilight movie! Either way, I thoroughly enjoyed it, cheesy as it was. Does anyone else think that Edward keeps getting worse looking in these movies, and Jacob just keeps getting better? Anyone?
Thanks for inviting us to her blessing! She looked beautiful! I am with you on the Twilight thing too! Dont forget, Friday is park day!
How fun that we both had our girls blessed on the same day!
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