Thursday, December 1, 2011

Missing a Day

Brynlee has not been feeling well the past few days. I hate cold and flu season. I hated it before, but with a kid in day care it's 10000 times worse. Anyhow Jimmy stayed home with her on Tuesday, but she was still not doing real great. Of course we brought her to the Dr. Would you expect anything less? When that kid looks at me sideways, to the Dr we go. I'll probably break a record for how many times we've brought her in.

Just a viral infection, and nothing we can do about it. Which is good I guess. It could have been worse. Like that time she had to be admitted to the hospital worse. Yeah... I guess I'm grateful for the common cold after all. But I stayed home with her on Wednesday, and missed my first day of school. It's weird how nuts I am about missing school. Attendance is a big deal there, and I don't want to miss anything. But, if I have to miss a day I can't think of a better reason then to take care of a sick baby.

Now I'm just behind some of the other people, but that is ok. However I do hate being behind. Our school is going to do the hair and make up for the show Hairspray at Moorpark College next month, so I'm going to see if I can do that to make up some of my hours.

Brynlee is feeling better today, and that makes me happy. I really really hate it when she is sick. I get this panicked feeling. That it's something more serious and I'm not going to catch it until it's too late. I take her temperature every 20 min like a psychopath. If I'm home with her I just stare at her, and check her while she is napping like 50 times. I might be a little bit paranoid. Hopefully that will wear off a bit. I'm sure by the next kid I'll just toss a tissue at her and call it a day!

Lastly, I'm going to end with a quote I got from a LDS talk. The talk is about children, and it really hit home for me. It says:

"Children are not what you squeeze in when you have time, they are what you were given time for."

My baby needed me, so I did what I needed to do. The world kept turning. Everyone moved right along without me. I got to spend the day with one of my favorite people (and by far the most entertaining person I know), and it was totally worth missing 1 day of school.

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