I'm amazed at this thing called blogging. Who would have thought that reading about other people's lives could be so life altering? In my case, I often read about people I don't even know. Yes I'm one of those people.. a blog stalker. I hate it when I hit a private blog. Curse, it's like a big door slamming in my face telling me I can't get it.
Anyhow I love reading blogs. I check the blogs I follow about 15 times a day (I'm not joking here). Tsk tsk, Some of you need to post a little more if you ask me...
I have no doubt that some of the things I've read on other people's blogs have changed me. Changed the way I think about life and the way I think about other people. I've been inspired, and so appreciate that.
However, this time it's my own blog that inspired me. One little post. How much can one little post do? A lot a guess. Since my last post I've decided to quit my job and enroll in cosmetology school. Yes I'm serious. No I'm not joking. I gave my job notice yesterday and am committed to making this happen.
I've had several different reactions to this decision. Shock, horror, astonishment, dumbfoundment ( I realize that is not a word, yet I'm using it anyhow. Good thing I'm not trying to become a writer) . Am I crazy? Yes, but we already knew that. Will we be poor? Yes, but we already are. How will we live, what will I do, is this the right decision. These questions attack me from every angle. And to be 100% honest I do not have all the answers lined up nicely just yet. But I honestly feel with all my heart that this is the right thing for me to do.
I've always loved to do hair. Ever since I can remember. Every time I meet a hair dresser I think about how I wish I could do that, and how I really missed the boat on that one.
Well, here comes another boat. I'm making it come. I have a small window of opportunity here and I'm taking it. I'm 27 years old, have been a travel agent for 4 years, have a bachelors degree in geography and want to be a hair dresser. You are never to old to chase your dreams.
It's going to be one wild ride. I cried last night, for a really long time. Not that me crying is unusual. But this is the first time I've cried about this. Because I am sad. I'm sad to leave my job and the love/hate relationship I have with it. I think about all the experiences my job and I have gone though together and it makes me want to cry all over again. I think about not seeing my co workers all the time and it makes me so sad my heart physically aches. I'm not good with change. And this is a big one. And not an easy one. But I feel it's the right one. I'm the type of person who usually follows my head rather than my heart. Not this time. Let's hope my heart knows what it is doing. :)
Waiting for James to arrive!
9 years ago