Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Challenge Extended

... and challenge accepted! So far, I've gotten dressed with make up and jewelry everyday this week. All 3 of them! Especially considering today I don't plan on leaving my house, that is pretty good. Not even to check my mail (hmmm.. wonder what's in there....) because it's raining and cold out.

I've also gotten back on my diet. Yes, yes I know not the best time of year to diet. Well, you gotta do what you gotta do. A plus of starting this time of year is that in the beginning when you have that just started motivation cakes/cookies/candies/Christmas goodies don't have the allure they do when you have been dieting for a while and are tired of it.

I'm going to tap into my stash of gift cards and purchase some clothes that are totally not me. As it not something I would ever in 1 million years buy. I just bought a new pair of boots this morning. I'm not really a boot person, but on Dec 28-30th(depending on how quickly they get here) I will be!

Next stop, skinny jeans. Yes skinny jeans, my former nemesis (as in I hate them). I'm going to give them a try for a couple of reasons. One, they are all you can find anymore, and I'm tired of spending 5 hours trying to find jeans. Two, they are out of my norm and that is what I'm trying to do. Break out of this rut I've landed myself in.

If there are any other skinny jean wearers out there (bless your heart you brave souls) I could use some tips on how to wear those pants. Because I have giant feet, and having a tapered ankle makes my giant feet look even bigger. The memory of being called "boat feet" in elementary school is all coming back to me...

I love the beginning of a resolution, when you feel so motivated and inspired. Let's see how long I can keep this up.


Audrey Spence said...

Yahoo for getting dressed! Always a good day!

Indigo Dawn said...

Skinny jeans...you are so COURAGEOUS! Talk to Jamee...she wears them well. She practically forced me to buy some at Christmas. But it ain't gonna happen...;-) Too old for them, in my opinion. And getting dressed! HUGE accomplishment when you work from home, isn't it? You are so much better than I was...

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