Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday, Again.

Is it just me or are Mondays a total nightmare? When my alarm goes off on Monday morning, this overwhelming dread comes over me. The way I feel you'd think I'm getting up to march off to my death rather than go to work. I consider myself a pretty optimistic person, but on Monday morning a black cloud hangs over my head.

I feel like I go to bed on Friday night and wake up on Monday morning and the whole weekend was a figment of my imagination. I remember back before I joined the corporate world and actually liked Mondays.

I don't think it helps that I have to get up and Jimmy is still tucked in bed next to me, snoozing away. In fact, I know it doesn't help. I see him all cozy and snug and I just curse my life!

This feeling goes away by lunch time on Monday. The rest of the week isn't so bad (usually) and my optimism returns.

The especially high level of Monday hatred I feel today is influenced by my less than fun weekend. Moving sucked big time. Thank you to all who helped us, I know it wasn't a whole lot of fun for you guys either. We really appreciate it! It amazed me that people who we hardly know sacrificed their Saturday morning to help carry heavy stuff. My allergies were in full affect on Saturday and I thought I was going to die like 3/4ths of the day. This weekend was not even close to resembling relaxing. I need another couple of days off to recover from my weekend!


Audrey Spence said...

you moved! i need to call you! i'll have to tell you about my dr appt and i really need to work on my blog i haven't done anything with since like last feb. it doesn't help when my computer doesn't work and i have no internet... anyway... those stupid californians are dumb... it's lame they are voting on another prop. we did that before and we won!

Liz Cuillard said...

Audrey I didn't even know you had a blog?! And we both picked the same wallpaper! I guess we still think alike. I moved to Wood Ranch. Whenever I see the sreet "Twisted Oak" I think of you, it makes me sad! :(

Megan said...

I didn't know Audrey had a blog either!!!! I want to hear about the doc appt!!! I wish I could have been there to help you move - I know moving is horrid.

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