On my way to drop Brynlee off at day care I drive by 3 schools. (an elementary, a Jr. high and a high school. How fitting).
That means it doubles my commute time because there are kids everywhere! I could go a different route. But I choose this route. Because I'm crazy and like traffic? No. Because I like to watch the kids going into school. Ok that sounds a little creepy.
But I like to watch the kids going to the elementary school. Most of them have a Mom or someone walking them to school, and I can't wait to do that. Or some kids walk alone looking to tiny to be able to do that. Their back packs look like they are taking over their whole bodies!
Then it's on to the Jr. High. Traffic is the worst here, because the kids are not old enough to drive yet. And must be too cool to walk because there are cars everywhere! Kids of all shapes and sizes hop out of the barely stopped vehicles and scurry into the Jr. High. I remember being that age, and remember doing that. It's such an awkward age, and believe me they look awkward. I look at these kids and don't understand what they are wearing. I guess I really am getting old. If you are a boy and your pants are tighter than mine, we've got issues. If you are a boy and your hair is matted down over your eyes so you can't see we've got issues. And you kind of look homeless. If you are a girl and your shorts could be considered glorified underwear, we have issues. But I like to drive by all the same.
Next comes my favorite. High school. I see kids driving their crappy cars into the parking lot with freshly earned licenses. I see kids walking to school (I guess that too cool to walk phase that attacks the Jr. Highers is over by this point). I see kids on the brink of entering their adult lives, with hope and fear in their eyes. I often wonder if I got out of my car, grabbed a back pack and joined them if anyone would think I don't belong. I don't look that much older than them right? Oh yeah I graduated 9 years ago... I might stand out. I remember the things I thought were important in high school. Stupid, stupid things. I wish I could go back in time and relive those 4 years. I would do it in a heart beat. I wish I could tell these kids this and actually have them believe me. Oh well, youth is wasted on the young.
Then I look in my rear view mirror and see Brynlee riding along. And I realize how much I've changed in the past decade. I bet you though my ride to day care would be boring. And, today I was even front and center for a fender bender. Never a dull moment.
I need to find some more friends. Particularly sports loving ones. While I work I like to have something on the TV in the background. Otherwise it's way too quiet and I can't concentrate. So I usually turn on Sports Center or E! news. The problem is E! then starts playing some version of a Kardashian show and I want to drive my pen in my eye. Even listening to them makes me want to take that pen I shoved in my eye and drive it into my ear too. So I've been sticking on Sports Center recently. However Sports Center just plays over and over again. Who knew? They must have it on a 24/7 loop or something. But now I'm well versed in any and every sports news tidbit there is. The problem is no one else is... darn. I have no one to talk to about my new found well rounded sports knowledge.
With every show in re runs now, I've become a sports watching fiend. I watch basketball, hockey, baseball, tennis. It's getting a bit nuts. Last night I dipped into my well stocked Jeopardy! vault and watched some of those just for a sports break.
I did read a really good book recently. "The Alliance" by Gerald Lund. It was phenomenal I thought and I read it in about 2 days. It really got me thinking and I like that. I would recommend it to anyone, LDS or not.
Brynlee now knows when I'm going to try to put a pony tail in her hair. And she high tails it away from me. I put her in her crib and she keeps shimmying along the railing back and forth. So her pony tail ends up in strange places. Sometimes I mean to put it on the side of her head. Sometimes i don't though and it seems to end up there anyway as she scurries away from me. I don't get how people get 2 pony tails in there. And with an even part and evenly space. Forget it. I'd have to drug her and tie her up to do that one I think.
I've continued to try to go running 2 days a week. Man I hate it. I really do. I still am not understanding why people do that for fun. I'm hoping if I keep at it I'll get to the point where I actually enjoy it. Maybe. It seems like a far fetched idea right now but it's only been 2 weeks. I do enjoy it for the first 30 seconds before I get tired. Then I hate it for the next 20 min or so. That hate to love ration isn't too bad right? Yeah. Maybe I need to find something else...